Class UmlBaseExtraClassMember

Manage the 'extra' class members to produce any code, for instance a C++ pre-processing form or a Java initialization

Declaration :

Directly inherited by : UmlExtraClassMember

Artifact : UmlBaseExtraClassMember

Operation create

returns a new extra class member named 'name' (the name may be empty)
created under the class 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation kind

returns the kind of the item

Declaration :

Operation isCppInline

returns TRUE if the extra member is managed as an inline operation in C++

Declaration :

Operation set_isCppInline

to set if the extra member is managed as an inline operation in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation cppDef

returns the operation's definition in C++, notes that the declaration
is returned by the inherited ClassItemBase::CppDecl() operation

Declaration :

Operation set_CppDef

sets the operation's definition in C++, notes that the declaration
is set through the inherited ClassItemBase::set_CppDecl() operation

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation unload

to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded
automatically if needed. args unused

Declaration :

Attribute _cpp_inline

Declaration :

Attribute _cpp_def

Declaration :

Operation UmlBaseExtraClassMember

the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!

Declaration :

Operation read_cpp_

internal, do NOT use it

Declaration :

All public operations : apply , applyStereotype , children , childrenVisible , cppDecl , cppDef , create , defined_ , deleteIt , description , getIdentifier , identifier_ , idlDecl , isCppInline , isMarked , isToolRunning , isWritable , javaDecl , kind , kind , markedItems , moveAfter , mysqlDecl , name , parent , phpDecl , properties , propertyValue , pythonDecl , referencedBy , set_childrenVisible , set_CppDecl , set_CppDef , set_Description , set_IdlDecl , set_isCppInline , set_isMarked , set_JavaDecl , set_MysqlDecl , set_Name , set_PhpDecl , set_PropertyValue , set_PythonDecl , set_Stereotype , stereotype , supportFile , unload , unload , unload