Class UmlBaseFlowFinalActivityNode

Declaration :

Directly inherited by : UmlFlowFinalActivityNode

Artifact : UmlBaseActivityControlNodeClasses

Operation create

returns a new flow final activity control node named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation kind

returns the kind of the item

Declaration :

Operation UmlBaseFlowFinalActivityNode

the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!

Declaration :

All public operations : apply , applyStereotype , children , childrenVisible , create , defined_ , deleteIt , description , getIdentifier , identifier_ , isMarked , isToolRunning , isWritable , kind , kind , markedItems , moveAfter , name , parent , properties , propertyValue , referencedBy , set_childrenVisible , set_Description , set_isMarked , set_Name , set_PropertyValue , set_Stereotype , stereotype , supportFile , unload