Class UmlBaseActivity

Declaration :

Directly inherited by : UmlActivity

Artifact : UmlBaseActivity

Operation create

returns a new activity named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation kind

returns the kind of the item

Declaration :

Operation UmlBaseActivity

the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!

Declaration :

Operation preCondition

return the pre condition

Declaration :

Operation set_PreCondition

set the pre condition

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation postCondition

return the post condition

Declaration :

Operation set_PostCondition

set the post condition

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation cppPreCondition

return the pre condition in C++

Declaration :

Operation set_CppPreCondition

set the pre condition in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation cppPostCondition

return the post condition in C++

Declaration :

Operation set_CppPostCondition

set the post condition in C++

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation javaPreCondition

return the pre condition in Java

Declaration :

Operation set_JavaPreCondition

set the pre condition in Java

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation javaPostCondition

return the post condition in Java

Declaration :

Operation set_JavaPostCondition

set the post condition in Java

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation constraint

return the constraint

Declaration :

Operation set_Constraint

set the constraint

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation isReadOnly

return the isReadOnly attribute, if TRUE the activity must not made any changes to variables ouside the activity or to objects.

Declaration :

Operation set_isReadOnly

set the isReadOnly attribute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation isSingleExecution

return the isSingleExecution attribute, if TRUE all invocations of the activity are handle by the same execution

Declaration :

Operation set_isSingleExecution

set the isSingleExecution attribute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation isActive

return the indicate if the class is active

Declaration :

Operation set_isActive

set if the class is active

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation specification

return the specification

Declaration :

Operation set_Specification

set the specification

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation associatedDiagram

returns the optional associated diagram

Declaration :

Operation set_AssociatedDiagram

sets the associated diagram, arg may be null to unset it

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation unload

to unload the object to free memory, it will be reloaded automatically
if needed. Recursively done for the sub items if 'rec' is TRUE.

if 'del' is true the sub items are deleted in C++, and removed from the
internal dictionnary in C++ and Java (to allow it to be garbaged),
you will have to call Children() to re-access to them

Declaration :

Attribute _pre_condition

Declaration :

Attribute _post_condition

Declaration :

Attribute _cpp_pre_condition

Declaration :

Attribute _cpp_post_condition

Declaration :

Attribute _java_pre_condition

Declaration :

Attribute _java_post_condition

Declaration :

Attribute _constraint

Declaration :

Attribute _read_only

Declaration :

Attribute _single_execution

Declaration :

Attribute _active

Declaration :

Relation _specification (<unidirectional association>)

Declaration :

Relation _assoc_diagram (<unidirectional association>)

Declaration :

Operation read_uml_

Declaration :

Operation read_cpp_

Declaration :

Operation read_java_

Declaration :

All public operations : apply , applyStereotype , associatedDiagram , children , childrenVisible , constraint , cppPostCondition , cppPreCondition , create , defined_ , deleteIt , description , getIdentifier , identifier_ , isActive , isMarked , isReadOnly , isSingleExecution , isToolRunning , isWritable , javaPostCondition , javaPreCondition , kind , kind , markedItems , moveAfter , name , parent , postCondition , preCondition , properties , propertyValue , referencedBy , set_AssociatedDiagram , set_childrenVisible , set_Constraint , set_CppPostCondition , set_CppPreCondition , set_Description , set_isActive , set_isMarked , set_isReadOnly , set_isSingleExecution , set_JavaPostCondition , set_JavaPreCondition , set_Name , set_PostCondition , set_PreCondition , set_PropertyValue , set_Specification , set_Stereotype , specification , stereotype , supportFile , unload , unload