GenCxxTestCase Release History ============================== VERSION 0.7: - Bug fix: the previous release generated a test class even for an existing CxxTest suite or fixture class. Fixed. - Bug fix: the previous release would overwrite the body of setUp() and tearDown() methods of and existing fixture. Fixed. VERSION 0.6: 15 Sep, 2007 - Bug fix: The plugout crashed while generating test case for an operator method of a class. Fixed - Bug fix: Generate namespace prefix for the classes to be tested in the test classes. - Simplified the name generation of Global fixture as "GlobalFixtureN", where N = 1,2,3... . The property GlobalFixtureSuffix in the root package (i.e. Project package) holds the number to be suffixed to the next global/world fixtures. - Added support for generating world fixtures. The world fixtures have their name as 'WorldFixtureN', where N=1,2,3,... VERSION 0.5: 08 Sep, 2007 - Bug fix: Fixed the closing brace of enum traits - Added support for generating global fixtures in a classview and associating it with the AllTests artifact. VERSION 0.4: 02 Sep, 2007 - Added support for CxxTest enum traits - Bug fix: Add #include for the class-to-test, not for the test case class in the AllTests artifact. This has been done by adding a dependency from the test class to the tested class. So now, the Bouml C++ generator should also be able to take care of the correct path of the #included header. VERSION 0.3: 30 Aug, 2007 - Added object-to-test as attribute of the test class. - In case of fixture, objuct-under-test is a pointer and dynamically created in setUp() and deleted in tearDown() method. - Added #include "..." directive for class-to-test. - GenCxxTest now generates a single artifact for all test suites instead of a separate artifact for every test suite. This artifact is called "AllTests". Thus it is now possible to execute multiple test suites with just one artifact. VERSION 0.2: 28 July, 2007 - Added a dialog box to allow the user to set generation options and select the target class view and deployment view where the test classes and artifacts should be generated. - Added generation of test fixtures - Fixed the Qt2.3/Windows compatibility issues VERSION 0.1: 21 July, 2007 - Initial release. Can generate Test suite and tests for a class or all classes in a class view.