identifier_operationinternal, do NOT use it
idlCaseoperation in case the attribute is an IDL union's member returns the
corresponding 'case', an empty string in case it is not specified
idlCaseoperation in case the relation is an IDL union's member returns the
corresponding 'case', an empty string in case it is not specified
idlDecloperation return the IDL declaration
idlDecloperation return the Idl declaration
idlDiroperation returns the path where the IDL files are generated by the
IDL generator.
idlGetSetFrozenoperation return the if the IDL definition is frozen, only for getter/setter operation
idlModuleoperationreturns the module name associed to the package
idlNameSpecoperation in case the operation is a 'get' or 'set' operation, returns how
the operation's IDL name must be generated
IdlSettingsoperation never called !
IdlSettingsclass This class manages settings concerning IDL, configured through
the 'Generation settings' dialog.

This class may be defined as a 'singleton', but I prefer to use static
members allowing to just write 'IdlSettings::member' rather than
'IdlSettings::instance()->member' or other long sentence like this.
IdlSettingsCmdclass Internal enum
idlSourceoperation returns the Idl file definition
importProjectoperation Import a project in the current package
fn is the pathname of the .prj file of the project to import
or an empty string (the project will be set through a dialog)
Return the new UmlPackage containing the imported project, or
0/null on error
inoperation returns the default operation 'in' parameter specification
in case its type is not an enum or a type specified in the
first 'Generation settings' tab
includeoperation returns the #include or other form specified in the last
'Generation settings' tab for the C++ type given in argument.
includeoperation returns the #include or other form specified in the last
'Generation settings' tab for the Idl type given in argument.
includeWithPathoperation indicates to the code generator if the #include may specify
the path of just the file's name
indentStepoperation return the default indent step
initializationextra class member
initializationextra class member
initializationextra class member
initOperationDefoperation returns the default definition of __init__
inoutoperation returns the default operation 'inout' parameter specification
in case its type is not an enum or a type specified in the
first 'Generation settings' tab
instanceoperation return the corresponding instance in the model, or 0/null
instancesoperation return the instances present in the diagram
instancesoperation return the instances present in the diagram
inStateoperation return the inState attribute
interfaceDecloperation returns the default definition of an interface
interfaceDecloperation returns the default definition of an interface
interfaceDecloperation returns the default definition of an interface
isAbstractoperation returns TRUE in case the class is abstract
isAbstractoperation indicates if the operation is abstract, returns TRUE if yes
isActiveoperation return the indicate if the class is active
isActiveoperation return the indicate if the class is active
isActiveoperation return the indicate if the class is active
isBodyGenerationForcedoperation indicates if the body is generated even if preserve body is set, returns TRUE if yes
isClassMemberoperation Indicate if the member is a 'class member' (static)
Always false in case of a class
isControlTypeoperation return the isControlType attribute, tells whether the type of the object node is to be treated as control
isCppConstoperation returns TRUE if the operation is declared const in C++
isCppConstExproperation Indicate if the attribute is 'constexpr'
isCppConstExproperation Indicate if the relation is 'constexpr'
isCppDefaultedoperation Indicate if the operation is declared defaulted in C++
isCppDeletedoperation Indicate if the operation is declared deleted in C++
isCppExternaloperation returns TRUE if the class is external, its definition
must contains how the name is made on the first line
(${name} by default), the other lines if they exist
must contains the #include and may be using forms
isCppFinaloperation Indicate if the operation is declared final in C++
isCppFriendoperation returns TRUE if the operation is a friend in C++
isCppInlineoperation returns TRUE if the extra member is managed as an inline operation in C++
isCppInlineoperation returns TRUE if the operation is declared inline in C++
isCppMutableoperation Indicate if the attribute is 'mutable'
isCppMutableoperation Indicate if the relation is 'mutable'
isCppNoexceptoperation Indicate if the operation is declared noexcept in C++
isCppOverrideoperation Indicate if the operation is declared override in C++
isCppThreadLocaloperation Indicate if the attribute is 'thread_local'
isCppThreadLocaloperation Indicate if the relation is 'thread_local'
isCppVirtualoperation returns TRUE if the operation is declared virtual in C++
isDerivedoperation return the property 'derived'
isDerivedoperation return the property 'derived'
isDerivedUnionoperation return the property 'derived union'
isDerivedUnionoperation return the property 'derived union'
isDestroyLinksoperation return the return the isDestroyLinks attribute.
isDestroyOwnedObjectsoperation return the return the isDestroyOwnedObjects attribute
isDimensionoperation return the return the isDimension attribute
isExceptionoperation return the isException attribute, exclusive with isStream
isExternaloperation return the return the isExternal attribute
isExternaloperation return if the transition is internal or external,
only self transitions can't be external
isForceNamespacePrefixGenerationoperation return if the namespace prefix must be
always generated before class's names
isForceNamespacePrefixGenerationoperation return if the namespace prefix must be
always generated before class's names
isForcePackagePrefixGenerationoperation return if the package prefix must be
always generated before class's names
isGenerateJavadocStyleCommentoperation return if ${comment} generate Javadoc style comment
isGenerateJavadocStyleCommentoperation return if ${comment} generate Javadoc style comment
isGenerateJavadocStyleCommentoperation return if ${comment} generate Javadoc style comment
isGetConstoperation returns if a 'get' operation generated through the attribute
and relation 'add get operation' menu is const by default
isGetFinaloperation return if a 'get' operation generated through the attribute
and relation 'add get operation' menu is final by default
isGetFinaloperation return if a 'get' operation generated through the attribute
and relation 'add get operation' menu is final by default
isGetInlineoperation returns if a 'get' operation generated through the attribute
and relation 'add get operation' menu is inline by default
isGetValueConstoperation returns if the value returned by a 'get' operation generated through
the attribute and relation 'add get operation' menu is const by default
isIdlCustomoperation returns TRUE is the class is custom, have sense for a valuetype
isIdlExternaloperation returns TRUE if the class is external, its definition
must contain how the name is made on the first line
(${name} by default), the other lines are ignored
isIdlLocaloperation returns TRUE if the class is local, have sense for an interface
isIdlOnewayoperation returns TRUE if the operation is declared oneway in IDL
isIdlTruncatableInheritanceoperation indicates if the relation is 'truncatable', returns TRUE if yes
have sense only for a valuetype inheritance
isInlineOperationForceIncludesInHeaderoperation return if the fact an operation is inline force the header of the
types referenced in the profile to be included in the header
isJavaDefaultoperation returns TRUE if the operation is declared default in JAVA
relevant in an interface
isJavaExternaloperation returns TRUE if the class is external, its definition
must contain how the name is made on the first line
(${name} by default), the other lines are ignored
isJavaFinaloperation returns TRUE is the class is final
isJavaFinaloperation returns TRUE if the operation is declared final in JAVA
isJavaPublicoperation returns TRUE is the class is public
isJavaStaticoperation returns TRUE if the (inner) class is declared static in JAVA
isJavaSynchronizedoperation returns TRUE if the operation is declared synchronized in JAVA
isJavaTransientoperation indicates if the attribute is 'transient', returns TRUE if yes
isJavaTransientoperation indicates if the relation is 'transient', returns TRUE if yes
isLocallyReentrantoperation return the if the action is locally reentrant
isMarkedoperationreturn TRUE in case the item is marked
isMustIsolateoperation return the isMustIsolate attribute, if TRUE the actions in the region execute in isolation from actions outside the region.
isMysqlAutoIncrementoperation in case the attribute is a columns part of a table indicates
if auto increment is true, else the return value doesn't have meaning.
isMysqlNotNulloperation in case the attribute is a columns part of a table indicates
if it must be not null, else the return value doesn't have meaning
isMysqlUsingBtreeoperation in case the attribute is a key part of a table indicates if it
uses btree, else the return value doesn't have meaning.
isMysqlUsingHashoperation in case the attribute is a key part of a table indicates if it
uses hash, else the return value doesn't have meaning.
isOrderedoperation return the property 'ordered'
isOrderedoperation return the return the isOrdered attribute
isOrderedoperation return the property 'ordered'
isOutInoutParametersByReferenceoperation returns TRUE if out/inout parameters are given by reference
isParametersTypedoperation returns TRUE if the parameters are typed by default
isPhpExternaloperation returns TRUE if the class is external, its definition
must contain how the name is made on the first line
(${name} by default), the other lines are ignored
isPhpFinaloperation returns TRUE is the class is final
isPhpFinaloperation returns TRUE if the operation is declared final in PHP
isProjectModifiedoperationreturn TRUE in case something is modified (i.e. the project must be saved)
isPython_2_2operation return if classes follow Python 2.2 by default
isPython_2_2operation returns TRUE is the class is a Python 2.2 class
isPython_3_operationoperation returns if operations follow Python 3 (pep-3107)
isPythonExternaloperation returns TRUE if the class is external, its definition
must contain how the name is made on the first line
(${name} by default), the other lines are ignored
isReadOnlyoperation return the isReadOnly attribute, if TRUE the activity must not made any changes to variables ouside the activity or to objects.
isReadOnlyoperation indicates if the attribute is read only, returns TRUE if yes
isReadOnlyoperation indicates if the relation is read only, returns TRUE if yes
isRelativePathoperation return if a relative path must be used when the path
must be generated in the produced #includes
isRelativePathoperation return if a relative path must be used when the path
must be generated in the produced require_once
isRemoveDuplicatesoperation return the isRemoveDuplicates attribute, if TRUE remove duplicates of the value if non-unique
isReplaceAlloperation return the isReplaceAll attribute, if TRUE existing values of the variable must be removed before adding the new value
isReverseRoundtripDirRegExpCaseSensitiveoperation return if the regular expression used to bypass
dir s on reverse/roundtrip is case sensitive
isReverseRoundtripDirRegExpCaseSensitiveoperation return if the regular expression used to bypass
dir s on reverse/roundtrip is case sensitive
isReverseRoundtripDirRegExpCaseSensitiveoperation return if the regular expression used to bypass
dir s on reverse/roundtrip is case sensitive
isReverseRoundtripFileRegExpCaseSensitiveoperation return if the regular expression used to bypass
file s on reverse/roundtrip is case sensitive
isReverseRoundtripFileRegExpCaseSensitiveoperation return if the regular expression used to bypass
file s on reverse/roundtrip is case sensitive
isReverseRoundtripFileRegExpCaseSensitiveoperation return if the regular expression used to bypass
file s on reverse/roundtrip is case sensitive
isRootRelativePathoperation return if a path relative to the project root must be used
when the path must be generated in the produced #includes
isRootRelativePathoperation return if a path relative to the project root must be used
when the path must be generated in the produced require_once
isSetFinaloperation returns if a 'set' operation generated through the attribute
and relation 'add set operation' menu is final by default
isSetFinaloperation returns if a 'set' operation generated through the attribute
and relation 'add set operation' menu is final by default
isSetInlineoperation returns if a 'set' operation generated through the attribute
and relation 'add set operation' menu is inline by default
isSetOnewayoperation returns if a 'set' operation generated through the attribute
and relation 'add set operation' menu is oneway by default
isSetParamConstoperation returns if the parameters of a 'set' operation generated through the
attribute and relation 'add set operation' menu are const by default
isSetParamFinaloperation returns if the parameters of a 'set' operation generated through the
attribute and relation 'add set operation' menu are final by default
isSetParamRefoperation return if the parameter of a 'set' operation generated through the
attribute and relation 'add set operation' menu is a reference by default
isSingleExecutionoperation return the isSingleExecution attribute, if TRUE all invocations of the activity are handle by the same execution
isStreamoperation return the isStream attribute
isSynchronousoperation return the isSynchronous attribute, if TRUE the caller waits for the completion of the invoked behavior
isSynchronousoperation return the isSynchronous attribute, if TRUE the caller waits for the completion of the invoked behavior
isTimeEventoperation return the isTimeEvent attribute, if TRUE the event is a time event
isToolRunningoperation 'id' is an identifier returned by apply(), indicates if the tool is still running
isTypeUsedByValueForceItsIncludesInHeaderoperation return if the fact a type is used by value in a definition
(out of the body of an operation) force the #include of its header
to be generated in the header file
isUniqueoperation return the property 'unique'
isUniqueoperation return the isUnique attribute
isUniqueoperation return the property 'unique'
isUnmarshalloperation return the isUnmarshall attribute, if TRUE there are multiple output pins for attributes or the event.
isVolatileoperation Indicate if the member is 'volatile'
Always false in case of a class
isWritableoperation return TRUE in case the item may be modified, i.e. it is not
an API base 'plug-out' class and the corresponding file(s) are not