effectoperation return the effect
endContinuationoperation return the continuation ('goto' case), or an empty string/null
entryBehavioroperation return the entry behavior in OCL
enumClassDecloperation returns the default definition of an enum class
enumDecloperation returns the default definition of an enum
enumDecloperation returns the default definition of an enum
enumDecloperation returns the default definition of an enumeration
enumDecloperation returns the default definition of an enumeration
enumDecloperation returns the default definition of an enumeration
enumInoperation returns the default operation 'in' parameter specification
in case its type is an enum
enumInoutoperation returns the default operation 'inout' parameter specification
in case its type is an enum
enumItemDecloperation returns the default definition of an enumeration item
enumItemDecloperation returns the default definition of an enumeration item
enumItemDecloperation returns the default definition of an enumeration item
enumItemDecloperation returns the default definition of an enumeration item
enumItemDecloperation returns the default definition of an enumeration item
enumOutoperation returns the default operation 'out' parameter specification
in case its type is an enum
enumPatternDecloperation returns the default definition of an enumeration implemented
through an abstract class having constant attributes
enumPatternItemCaseoperationReturns the 'case' form produced in the fromInt operation
for each enumeration item
enumPatternItemDecloperation returns the default definition of an enumeration item
enumReturnoperation return the default operation value type form
exceptionDecloperation returns the default definition of an exception
exceptionsoperation returns the exceptions
executableartifact Reference all the components used to made a C++ executable,
used by 'genpro' to produce a .pro file allowing to produce a Makefile
with 'tmake' or 'qmake'
exitBehavioroperation return the exit behavior in OCL
explicit_typeattribute significant in case type == 0
expressionoperation return the expression in OCL
extendoperation return the optional extend (Java)
extensionPointsoperation return the extension points
externalClassDecloperation returns the default specification for an 'external' class
externalClassDecloperation returns the default specification for an 'external' class
externalClassDecloperation returns the default specification for an 'external' class
externalClassDecloperation returns the default specification for an 'external' class
externalClassDecloperation returns the default specification for an 'external' class