Class UmlOperation

This class manages 'operations', notes that the class 'UmlClassItem'
is a mother class of all the class's children.

You can modify it as you want (except the constructor)

Declaration :

Artifact : UmlOperation

Operation UmlOperation

Declaration :

All public operations : addException , addParameter , apply , applyStereotype , children , childrenVisible , constraint , cppBody , cppContextualBodyIndent , cppDecl , cppDef , cppGetSetFrozen , cppNameSpec , cppVisibility , create , defined_ , deleteIt , description , exceptions , getIdentifier , getOf , identifier_ , idlDecl , idlGetSetFrozen , idlNameSpec , isAbstract , isBodyGenerationForced , isClassMember , isCppConst , isCppDefaulted , isCppDeleted , isCppFinal , isCppFriend , isCppInline , isCppNoexcept , isCppOverride , isCppVirtual , isIdlOneway , isJavaDefault , isJavaFinal , isJavaSynchronized , isMarked , isPhpFinal , isToolRunning , isVolatile , isWritable , javaAnnotations , javaBody , javaContextualBodyIndent , javaDecl , javaDef , javaGetSetFrozen , javaNameSpec , kind , kind , markedItems , methods , moveAfter , multiplicity , mysqlDecl , name , params , parent , phpBody , phpContextualBodyIndent , phpDecl , phpDef , phpGetSetFrozen , phpNameSpec , properties , propertyValue , pythonBody , pythonContextualBodyIndent , pythonDecl , pythonDecorators , pythonDef , pythonGetSetFrozen , pythonNameSpec , referencedBy , removeException , removeParameter , replaceException , replaceParameter , returnType , set_childrenVisible , set_Constraint , set_CppBody , set_CppContextualBodyIndent , set_CppDecl , set_CppDef , set_CppGetSetFrozen , set_CppNameSpec , set_CppVisibility , set_Description , set_IdlDecl , set_IdlGetSetFrozen , set_IdlNameSpec , set_isAbstract , set_isBodyGenerationForced , set_isClassMember , set_isCppConst , set_isCppDefaulted , set_isCppDeleted , set_isCppFinal , set_isCppFriend , set_isCppInline , set_isCppNoexcept , set_isCppOverride , set_isCppVirtual , set_isIdlOneway , set_isJavaDefault , set_isJavaFinal , set_isJavaSynchronized , set_isMarked , set_isPhpFinal , set_isVolatile , set_JavaAnnotations , set_JavaBody , set_JavaContextualBodyIndent , set_JavaDecl , set_JavaDef , set_JavaGetSetFrozen , set_JavaNameSpec , set_Multiplicity , set_MysqlDecl , set_Name , set_PhpBody , set_PhpContextualBodyIndent , set_PhpDecl , set_PhpDef , set_PhpGetSetFrozen , set_PhpNameSpec , set_PropertyValue , set_PythonBody , set_PythonContextualBodyIndent , set_PythonDecl , set_PythonDecorators , set_PythonDef , set_PythonGetSetFrozen , set_PythonNameSpec , set_ReturnType , set_Stereotype , set_Visibility , setOf , stereotype , supportFile , unload , unload , unload , visibility