Class JavaSettings

This class manages settings concerning JAVA, configured through
the 'Generation settings' dialog.

This class may be defined as a 'singleton', but I prefer to use static
members allowing to just write 'JavaSettings::member' rather than
'JavaSettings::instance()->member' or other long sentence like this.

Declaration :

Artifact : JavaSettings

Operation useDefaults

returns TRUE when the created Java objects are initialized
with the default declaration/definition

Declaration :

Operation set_UseDefaults

if y is TRUE the future created Java objects will be initialized
with the default declaration/definition

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation type

returns the JAVA type corresponding to the 'UML' type given in
argument, as it is configured in the first 'Generation settings'
dialog's tab

Declaration :

Operation set_Type

set the JAVA type corresponding to the 'UML' type given in
argument, as it is configured in the first 'Generation settings'
dialog's tab

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation umlType

reverse of the Type() operation, returns the 'UML' type corresponding
to the JAVA type given in argument

Declaration :

Operation relationAttributeStereotype

returns the JAVA stereotype corresponding to the 'UML' stereotype given
in argument

Declaration :

Operation set_RelationAttributeStereotype

set the JAVA stereotype corresponding to the 'UML' stereotype given
in argument

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation relationAttributeUmlStereotype

reverse of the RelationAttributeStereotype() operation, returns the 'UML'
stereotype corresponding to the JAVA one given in argument

Declaration :

Operation classStereotype

returns the JAVA stereotype corresponding to the 'UML' stereotype given
in argument

Declaration :

Operation set_ClassStereotype

set the JAVA stereotype corresponding to the 'UML' stereotype given
in argument

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation classUmlStereotype

reverse of the ClassStereotype() operation, returns the 'UML'
stereotype corresponding to the JAVA one given in argument

Declaration :

Operation get_import

returns the import or other form specified in the last
'Generation settings' tab for the Java type given in argument.

Declaration :

Operation set_Import

set the import or other form specified in the last
'Generation settings' tab for the Java type given in argument.

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation rootDir

return the 'root' directory

Declaration :

Operation set_RootDir

set the 'root' directory

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation sourceContent

returns the default source file content

Declaration :

Operation set_SourceContent

set the default source file content

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation sourceExtension

returns the extension of the file produced by the JAVA code generator

Declaration :

Operation set_SourceExtension

set the extension of the file produced by the JAVA code generator

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation reverseRoundtripDirRegExp

return the regular expression used to bypass
dir s on reverse/roundtrip

Declaration :

Operation isReverseRoundtripDirRegExpCaseSensitive

return if the regular expression used to bypass
dir s on reverse/roundtrip is case sensitive

Declaration :

Operation set_ReverseRoundtripDirRegExp

set the regular expression used to bypass
dir s on reverse/roundtrip
On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation reverseRoundtripFileRegExp

return the regular expression used to bypass
file s on reverse/roundtrip

Declaration :

Operation isReverseRoundtripFileRegExpCaseSensitive

return if the regular expression used to bypass
file s on reverse/roundtrip is case sensitive

Declaration :

Operation set_ReverseRoundtripFileRegExp

set the regular expression used to bypass
file s on reverse/roundtrip
On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation isGenerateJavadocStyleComment

return if generate Javadoc style comment

Declaration :

Operation set_IsGenerateJavadocStyleComment

set if generate Javadoc style comment

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation isForcePackagePrefixGeneration

return if the package prefix must be
always generated before class's names

Declaration :

Operation set_IsForcePackagePrefixGeneration

set if the package prefix must be always generated before class's names

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation classDecl

returns the default definition of a class

Declaration :

Operation set_ClassDecl

set the default definition of a class

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation externalClassDecl

returns the default specification for an 'external' class

Declaration :

Operation set_ExternalClassDecl

set the default specification for an 'external' class

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation enumPatternDecl

returns the default definition of an enumeration implemented
through an abstract class having constant attributes

Declaration :

Operation set_EnumPatternDecl

set the default definition of an enumeration implemented
through an abstract class having constant attributes

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation enumDecl

returns the default definition of an enumeration

Declaration :

Operation set_EnumDecl

set the default definition of an enumeration

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation interfaceDecl

returns the default definition of an interface

Declaration :

Operation set_InterfaceDecl

set the default definition of an interface

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation attributeDecl

returns the default definition of an attribute depending on the multiplicity

Declaration :

Operation set_AttributeDecl

set the default definition of an attribute

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation enumPatternItemDecl

returns the default definition of an enumeration item

Declaration :

Operation set_EnumPatternItemDecl

set the default definition of an enumeration item

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation enumPatternItemCase

Returns the 'case' form produced in the fromInt operation
for each enumeration item

Declaration :

Operation set_EnumPatternItemCase

set the 'case' form produced in the fromInt operation
for each enumeration item

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation enumItemDecl

returns the default definition of an enumeration item

Declaration :

Operation set_EnumItemDecl

set the default definition of an enumeration item

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation relationDecl

returns the default definition of a relation depending on the
multiplicity given in argument.

Declaration :

Operation set_RelationDecl

set the default definition of a relation depending on the
multiplicity given in argument.

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation operationDef

returns the default definition of an operation

Declaration :

Operation set_OperationDef

set the default definition of an operation

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation getVisibility

returns the default visibility of a 'get' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add get operation'

Declaration :

Operation set_GetVisibility

set the default visibility of a 'get' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add get operation'

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation getName

returns the default name of a 'get' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add get operation' menu

Declaration :

Operation set_GetName

set the default name of a 'get' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add get operation' menu

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation setName

returns the default name of a 'set' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add set operation' menu

Declaration :

Operation set_SetName

set the default name of a 'set' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add set operation' menu

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation isGetFinal

return if a 'get' operation generated through the attribute
and relation 'add get operation' menu is final by default

Declaration :

Operation set_IsGetFinal

set if a 'get' operation generated through the attribute
and relation 'add get operation' menu is final by default

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation isSetFinal

returns if a 'set' operation generated through the attribute
and relation 'add set operation' menu is final by default

Declaration :

Operation set_IsSetFinal

set if a 'set' operation generated through the attribute
and relation 'add set operation' menu is final by default

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation setVisibility

returns the default visibility of a 'set' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add set operation'

Declaration :

Operation set_SetVisibility

set the default visibility of a 'set' operation generated
through the attribute and relation 'add set operation'

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation isSetParamFinal

returns if the parameters of a 'set' operation generated through the
attribute and relation 'add set operation' menu are final by default

Declaration :

Operation set_IsSetParamFinal

set if the parameters of a 'set' operation generated through the
attribute and relation 'add set operation' menu are final by default

On error : return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation JavaSettings

never called !

Declaration :

Attribute _defined

Declaration :

Attribute _root

Declaration :

Attribute _class_decl

Declaration :

Attribute _external_class_decl

Declaration :

Attribute _enum_pattern_decl

Declaration :

Attribute _enum_decl

Declaration :

Attribute _interface_decl

Declaration :

Attribute _attr_decl

Declaration :

Attribute _enum_pattern_item_decl

Declaration :

Attribute _enum_pattern_item_case

Declaration :

Attribute _enum_item_decl

Declaration :

Attribute _rel_decl

Declaration :

Attribute _oper_def

Declaration :

Relation _get_visibility (<directional composition>)

Declaration :

Attribute _get_name

Declaration :

Attribute _is_get_final

Declaration :

Relation _set_visibility (<directional composition>)

Declaration :

Attribute _set_name

Declaration :

Attribute _is_set_final

Declaration :

Attribute _is_set_param_final

Declaration :

Attribute _src_content

Declaration :

Attribute _ext

Declaration :

Attribute _dir_regexp

Declaration :

Attribute _dir_regexp_case_sensitive

Declaration :

Attribute _file_regexp

Declaration :

Attribute _file_regexp_case_sensitive

Declaration :

Attribute _is_generate_javadoc_comment

Declaration :

Attribute _is_force_package_gen

Declaration :

Attribute _map_imports

Declaration :

Operation read_

internal, do NOT use it

Declaration :

Operation read_if_needed_

internal, do NOT use it

Declaration :

All public operations : artifactDescription , attributeDecl , attributeDescription , classDecl , classDescription , classStereotype , classUmlStereotype , enumDecl , enumItemDecl , enumPatternDecl , enumPatternItemCase , enumPatternItemDecl , externalClassDecl , get_import , getName , getVisibility , interfaceDecl , isForcePackagePrefixGeneration , isGenerateJavadocStyleComment , isGetFinal , isReverseRoundtripDirRegExpCaseSensitive , isReverseRoundtripFileRegExpCaseSensitive , isSetFinal , isSetParamFinal , operationDef , operationDescription , relationAttributeStereotype , relationAttributeUmlStereotype , relationDecl , relationDescription , reverseRoundtripDirRegExp , reverseRoundtripFileRegExp , rootDir , set_ArtifactDescription , set_AttributeDecl , set_AttributeDescription , set_ClassDecl , set_ClassDescription , set_ClassStereotype , set_EnumDecl , set_EnumItemDecl , set_EnumPatternDecl , set_EnumPatternItemCase , set_EnumPatternItemDecl , set_ExternalClassDecl , set_GetName , set_GetVisibility , set_Import , set_InterfaceDecl , set_IsForcePackagePrefixGeneration , set_IsGenerateJavadocStyleComment , set_IsGetFinal , set_IsSetFinal , set_IsSetParamFinal , set_OperationDef , set_OperationDescription , set_RelationAttributeStereotype , set_RelationDecl , set_RelationDescription , set_ReverseRoundtripDirRegExp , set_ReverseRoundtripFileRegExp , set_RootDir , set_SetName , set_SetVisibility , set_SourceContent , set_SourceExtension , set_Type , set_UmlGetName , set_UmlSetName , set_UseDefaults , setName , setVisibility , sourceContent , sourceExtension , type , umlGetName , umlSetName , umlType , useDefaults