Class UmlBaseExpansionRegion

Declaration :

Directly inherited by : UmlExpansionRegion

Artifact : UmlBaseExpansionRegion

Operation create

returns a new expansion region named 's' created under 'parent'

In case it cannot be created (the name is already used or
invalid, 'parent' cannot contain it etc ...) return 0 in C++
and produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation kind

returns the kind of the item

Declaration :

Operation UmlBaseExpansionRegion

the constructor, do not call it yourself !!!!!!!!!!

Declaration :

Operation isMustIsolate

return the isMustIsolate attribute, if TRUE the actions in the region execute in isolation from actions outside the region.

Declaration :

Operation set_isMustIsolate

set the isMustIsolate attribute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Operation mode

return the mode attribute, the way in which the execution interact.

Declaration :

Operation set_Mode

set the mode attribute

On error return FALSE in C++, produce a RuntimeException in Java

Declaration :

Attribute _must_isolate

Declaration :

Relation _mode (<directional composition>)

Declaration :

Operation read_uml_

Declaration :

All public operations : apply , applyStereotype , associatedDiagram , children , childrenVisible , create , defined_ , deleteIt , description , getIdentifier , identifier_ , isMarked , isMustIsolate , isToolRunning , isWritable , kind , kind , markedItems , mode , moveAfter , name , parent , properties , propertyValue , referencedBy , set_AssociatedDiagram , set_childrenVisible , set_Description , set_isMarked , set_isMustIsolate , set_Mode , set_Name , set_PropertyValue , set_Stereotype , stereotype , supportFile , unload